Many Chapters, One Mission
Codorus Trout Unlimited is one of hundreds of Trout Unlimited chapters across the United States all working locally to achieve a single, common mission: Protecting, Conserving and Restoring our coldwater fisheries and their watersheds today and for future generations. Our key focus areas are shown below.
Trout Unlimited / National
Founded in Michigan in 1959, Trout Unlimited today is a national non-profit organization with 300,000 members and supporters dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. Read all about the wide variety of projects and initiatives they engage in nation-wide by visiting their About page on
Trout Unlimited / Pennsylvania State Council
TU’s structure includes State Councils who are tasked with managing chapters at a more regional level. Started in 1963, when there were only 3 Pennsylvania chapters, our Council now covers approximately 50 chapters and more than 13,000 members statewide. It is among the largest State Councils in the nation. They’ve been an invaluable resource for us in so many ways, and hold a number of important regional and statewide meetings and training sessions each year. Please take a moment to learn all about them by visiting their site at